Visit to Benalmádena by panoramic sightseeing bus with multiple stops - 48hr pass

Visit to Benalmádena by panoramic sightseeing bus with multiple stops - 48hr pass

Cancellation Бесплатная отмена при определенных условиях

Вам понравится

The best way to discover Benalmádena's must-see sites at your own pace
Easy to use (stops near attractions, hop on and off at will...)
The panoramic view of the town from the bus's upper deck
Audio guide commentary and stories

Основная информация *

Мгновенное подтверждение

Билеты с открытой датой

2 дня



Часы работы
10:00 - 17:00

* Подробная информация будет предоставлена вам во время бронирования.


Discover Benalmádena and its must-see sites by panoramic sightseeing bus with a 48h pass!

Ideal for first-time visitors, the panoramic sightseeing bus will offer you a 360° view of this pretty seaside resort's streets. There are 9 stops along the route. With your 48hr pass, you can get off wherever and whenever you want.

Must-see landmarks close to stops include: 

  • Malapesquera Beach
  • Benal-Roma Pools
  • Selwo Marina
  • Arroyo de la Miel
  • Tivoli Cable Car
  • Bil-Bil Castle

You'll be able to visit the city easily and at your own pace. Equipped with your audio guide, you'll learn more about the city and the monuments that you'll see throughout your tour.

Место отправления

Важно знать

  • Validity: daily (except in exceptional cases)
  • Time : from stop 1 - Puerto Marina: 10am, 11:15am, 12:30pm*, 2:30pm, 3:30pm*
  • Pass validity period: 48 consecutive hours from first use
  • The two daily rides into the village will take place at 12:30 and 3:30 pm.
  • Tour duration (without getting off the bus): 75 mn
  • Only the 12:30 bus will take you to the butterfly park
  • Your pass is valid for 48h : you can therefore activate it at any time of day and use it until the same time the following day
  • To start your tour, simply go to one of the stops on the route and present your voucher to the bus driver
  • The itinerary is subject to change without notice in the event of roadworks or other exceptional events
  • We ask you to select a tentative date when booking. Please note, however, that your voucher will be valid for up to 12 months from the date selected

    *departure from "Mariposario de Benalmádena" stop.

В стоимость входит

  • The multi-stop sightseeing bus pass to Benalmádena (48hrs)
  • The tour with an audio guide - 9 languages including English
  • Admission to the butterfly park

В стоимость не входит

  • Admission to all other places and monuments
  • Tips (optional)
  • Personal expenses
  • Any other extras



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