Queue-jump Opéra Garnier ticket - Access to the temporary and permanent expositions

Queue-jump Opéra Garnier ticket - Access to the temporary and permanent expositions

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Priority access to Opéra Garnier
Entry to the temporary and permanent expositions
Possibility to show an e-ticket on your mobile phone

Основная информация *

Билеты с открытой датой

Часы работы
10:00 - 16:30 , 10:00 - 17:30

* Подробная информация будет предоставлена вам во время бронирования.


Enter the impressive Opéra Garnier and discover all its mysteries with this free access to all the expositions!

Opéra Garnier is one of the most beautiful structures in Paris! Its construction had been decided by Napoléon III and then, short after, abandoned before being taken up again and finished in 1875. This splendid building, with a style typical to that of the Second Zmpire, will fill you with wonder!

The opera contains numerous rooms and mythical pieces that you'll be able to freely visit and admire, including: 'le Grand Escalier' (the Grand Stairwell), 'le Bassin de la Pythie' (the Pythia Basin), ' Les Salons de la Lune et du Soleil' (the Moon and Sun Rooms), etc.

No time will be wasted queuing thanks to this priority access pass!

Место отправления

Важно знать

  • Availability: everyday (excluding exceptional dates)
  • Opening times:
    • 10am to 5pm (last entry at 4:30pm): from SEptember to mid-July
    • 1àam to 6pm (last entry 5:30pm): from mid-July to the beginning of September
  • Location: Opéra Garnier, Paris 75009


  • Reduced fares (eg. youth 12 to 25 years old) and other free fares (eg. people with a handicap) are only available at the door
  • Entrance is free for children under 12 years of age upon presentation of a valid ID card
  • The Palais Garnier building is wheelchair accessible
  • For Vigipirate security reasons, a bag search will be conducted at the entrance before you are able to gain access to the museum. Also, big bags (any suitcases and large contents bags) aren't allowed
  • Once you have exited the building, you cannot re-enter


  • This ticket includes entry to public spaces such as: la Bibliothèque-Musée de l'Opéra (Bibliothèque Nationale de France), la Rotonde des Abonnés and le Bassin de la Pythie, le Grand Escalier, le Grand Foyer and l'Avant Foyer, les Salons de la Lune et du Soleil, la Rotonde du Glacier and its tapestries
  • Access to temporary expositions is only valid during the opening times of these expositions (the dates are notes below):
    • The "L'Academie royale de Musique" exposition from 28 May to 1 September 2019
  • Due to performances, tills will be exceptionally closed from 12:30 on 25 March, 15 April, 26 May and 3 June
  • Also due to perfomances, tills will be exceptionally closed from 2pm on 21 March, 1 April, 24 June

В стоимость входит

  • The queue-jump entry ticket to Opéra Garnier
  • Access to the permanent expositions
  • Access to the temporary expositions (depending on chosen date)
  • Filing fees

В стоимость не входит

  • Tips (optional)
  • Any other extras



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